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Wellness Vaccines

Taking care of yourself can be difficult. It is important to get vaccines and other preventative medicine to help make sure that when illnesses come around, your pets are not going to catch them. The right wellness vaccines can help you to get the best results, keep pets safe and healthy, and to avoid illness. Our staff at Fort Mill Animal Hospital can provide wellness vaccines to your pets and keep them healthy year-round.


What is Wellness Vaccines?

Wellness vaccines are just that, vaccines that are meant to promote wellness rather than illness. This can be shots to prevent things like rabies, parvo, kennel cough and more. These vaccines are beneficial to a huge range of pets. For the most part, these vaccines are encouraged for young animals as their natural immunity is lower than that of a healthy adult pet. These vaccines might also be beneficial to pets that do not have the antibodies in their blood to prevent these diseases, those that have been immunocompromised, and those that might want to prevent these illnesses completely.

Why are Wellness Vaccines Essential?

For those pets that cannot handle disease, those that might have weak immune systems, those that might be young or very old, or those that cannot take vaccines themselves, it is very important that the pets be immunized. Wellness vaccines not only keep those that are young and healthy safe from illness, but they also help to protect those pets that might not be able to take the vaccines themselves. Vaccines are important also to prevent the mutation of illnesses and the spread of these illnesses to vulnerable groups. Vaccines are a fantastic way to prevent illness and to keep other animals safe.

Finding Wellness Vaccines

Fort Mills Animal Hospital offers a range of wellness vaccines for a wide range of pets of all ages. Dr. Cory Ellis works to make sure that each and every pet is able to get the best vaccines to keep them safe, to keep them healthy, and to prevent illness. Pets are our family and keeping them safe and healthy is a must. Being able to provide vaccines to prevent illness, to help keep them healthy, and to make sure that they are not going to get ill and pass is something that we all want and hope for.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Finding a great veterinarian clinic to provide total care and to provide the right wellness vaccines can make a big difference in the overall health of your pet and their overall quality of life. Pets cannot take care of themselves and it is our responsibility to make sure that they get all the right medical care. Wellness vaccines are fantastic and can make a big difference in the lives of a pet. You can call Fort Mill Animal Hospital at (803) 547-2014 to schedule an appointment today!

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