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Dental Care

Dental Care

Dental problems and diseases are the unseen harbingers of pain in our pets. Puppies and kittens should see the vet every year from the time they're six months old. There are several causes of pet dental problems, and we are here to help you with them.

Symptoms of Dental Problems

When our pets turn away from their food (or ours) we know something's wrong. We don't always understand why their breath smells awful, so we don't think it's a symptom of something. However, we panic when we see blood. Other symptoms of dental problems are:

  • Broken teeth
  • Drooling, food falling out of the mouth, and chewing differently
  • Swelling and painful mouth

If your pet becomes irritable, doesn't play, or develops sleep problems, then get him to a vet immediately.

Causes of Dental Problems

Some pet parents don't think about their pets needing dental care. If they chew their food, then they need their teeth to be checked out. Some causes for dental problems are:

  • Misaligned teeth or bite
  • Tooth abscesses
  • Periodontal or gum disease
  • Broken teeth and/or infected roots

Periodontal disease in pets is the most common problem in our pets. Just like their pet parents, pets get plaque and tartar on their teeth. When it gets under the gums, it causes periodontal disease. There, it causes damage to the jawbone and the soft tissues of the jaw.

What You Can Do

Dental care begins at home with your pets. Brushing your pet's teeth between visits to is the best thing you can do. It keeps the plaque and tartar at bay and could mean fewer dental cleanings from the vet. Dogs don't usually mind teeth brushing, but cats can be a little trickier. We understand brushing your pet's teeth is not for every family, so there are also some other options!  There are dental chews, and we can help direct you to those recommended, as well as water additives or even a general diet better for dental health. Contact us today.

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